This is an internal app we use in the company to track the time of the development and design team. We also create status reports and communicate the client all progress.
This is an internal app we use in the company to track the time of the development and design team. We also create status reports and communicate the client all progress.
The problem we were trying to solve was to make easier the process of logging time and reporting progress. We designed a simple to use UI for it.
This app was created using Angular JS. The backend was done using Ruby on Rails.
Time App is deeply integrated with Trello which is our project management system. All time entries relate to a Trello card.
The development team was conformed by 1 engineer working full time.
require "rails_helper" RSpec.describe TimeLogger, :type => :model do before(:each) do User.destroy_all Iteration.destroy_all Timelog.destroy_all stubbing_project_manager end let(:user) { create(:user) } subject{} describe "validate" do let!(:iteration){ create(:iteration, project_id:"is-an-id",start: -} describe "presence" do it { validate_presence_of(:project_name) } it { validate_presence_of(:project_id) } end end describe "#register" do let(:timelog_1){ attributes_for(:timelog)} let(:timelog_2){ attributes_for(:timelog)} let(:attributes){ {project_id: "is-an-id", project_name: "this is my name", timelogs_attributes: [timelog_1,timelog_2]}} let(:time_logger){} describe "iteration" do describe "existing" do let!(:iteration){ create(:iteration, time: time, project_id:"is-an-id",start: -} describe "iteration has more hours" do let(:time){ 30 } it{ expect{ time_logger.create(attributes) }.to change{Timelog.count}.by(2) } end describe "Record more hours than are available" do let(:time){ 1 } it{ expect{ time_logger.create(attributes) }.to change{Timelog.count}.by(2) } end describe "No record because no times available" do let(:time){ 1 } before {time_logger.create(attributes)} it{ expect{ time_logger.create(attributes) }.to change{Timelog.count}.by(0) } end end describe "not existing" do it{ expect{ time_logger.create(attributes) }.to change{Timelog.count}.by(0) } end end end end
class Api::TimelogsController < ApiAuthenticatedController def create @timelogs = if @timelogs.create(timelogger_params) render json: @timelogs, status: 201, notice: "Successfully created Timelog" else render json: @timelogs.errors.messages, status: 422 end end def update @timelog = Timelog.find(params[:id]) if @timelog.update(timelog_params) render json: @timelog, status: 201, notice: "Successfully updated Timelog" else render json: @timelog.errors.messages, status: 422 end end def index @timelogs = Timelog.performance(params_search) render json: @timelogs end def get_by_card @timelogs = Timelog.only(:task_id, :fecha, :time, :value_ajust, :comment).where(:task_id => params[:card_id], :fecha => params[:date_start]..params[:date_end]) render json: @timelogs end def params_search params.permit(:date_1, :date_2, :project_id, :user_id) end def timelog_params params.require(:timelog).permit(:time,:comment) end def timelogger_params params.require(:timelogger).permit(:project_id, :project_name, timelogs_attributes: timelog_attributes) end def timelog_attributes [:task_id,:task_name, :comment, :time] end end
class Iteration include Mongoid::Document field :project_id, type: String field :time, type: Float field :note, type: String field :start, type: Date, default: field :end_date, type: Date field :invoice, type: Integer validates_presence_of :start, :time validates_numericality_of :time scope :by_project, ->(project_id) { where(:project_id => project_id).order_by(:start.desc) } scope :closed, -> {where(end_date: nil)} before_create do |iteration| prev_iteration = Iteration.current_iteration(iteration.project_id) prev_iteration.close_iteration! if prev_iteration end def timelogs Timelog.where(iteration_id: end def self.current_iteration(project) where(:project_id => project, :start.lte => ).order_by(:start.desc).limit(1).first end def close_iteration! last_timelog = self.timelogs.last_registered(1).first self.end_date = last_timelog.fecha end def update_dates self.start = first_log_date self.end_date = last_log_date end def first_log_date self.timelogs.order_by(:fecha.asc).first.fecha end def update_end_date self.end_date = last_log_date end def last_log_date last = self.timelogs.order_by(:fecha.asc).last last ? last.fecha : end def can_register_hours? time_for_iteration < time end def remain_time time - time_for_iteration end def time_worked total_time = timelogs.inject(0.0){|total,timelog| total += timelog.time_worked } total_time.round(2) end def time_for_iteration total_time = timelogs.inject(0.0){|total,timelog| total += timelog.time_for_iteration } total_time.round(2) end def as_json(options = nil) super(options).merge({time_for_iteration: time_for_iteration}) end end
(function(){ var TimeApp = window.TimeApp; var CacheStoreModule = angular.module('CacheStore', []); CacheStoreModule.config(['$provide', function($provide) { $provide.factory('ProjectCache',[function() { this.loadProjects = function(){ return loadJsonCache('projects') || []; }; this.saveProjects = function(new_projects){ saveJsonCache('projects',new_projects); }; this.findProject = function(project_id){ this.projects = this.loadProjects(); for (var i = this.projects.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { project = this.projects[i]; if( == project_id) return project; }; }; this.projects = this.loadProjects(); return this; }]); $provide.factory('IterationsCache',[function() { this.loadIterations = function(project_id){ return loadJsonCache(project_id+'_iterarions') || []; }; this.saveIterations = function(project_id, new_iterations){ saveJsonCache(project_id+'_iterations',new_iterations); }; return this; }]); $provide.factory('CardsCache',[function() { this.loadCards = function(project_id){ return loadJsonCache(project_id+'_cards') || []; }; this.saveCards = function(project_id, new_cards){ saveJsonCache(project_id+'_cards',new_cards); }; this.findCard = function(project_id,card_id){ = this.loadCards(project_id); for (var i = - 1; i >= 0; i--) { card =[i]; if( == card_id) return card; }; }; this.getCardsByProjectId = function(project_id){ = this.loadCards(project_id); return; }; return this; }]); $provide.factory('ClientsCache',[function() { this.loadClients = function(){ return loadJsonCache('clients') || []; }; this.saveClients = function(new_clients){ saveJsonCache('clients',new_clients); }; this.findClient = function(client_id){ this.clients = this.loadClients(); for (var i = this.clients.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { client = this.clients[i]; if( == client_id) return client; }; }; this.clients = this.loadClients(); return this; }]); $provide.factory('CurrentUser',["$location",function($location) { var currentUser; function(){; }; this.isAuthenticated = function(){ return currentUser.token_authentication != undefined; }; this.changeUser = function(user){ currentUser = user; $('meta[name="Token"]').attr('content',user.token_authentication); }; this.token = function(){ return currentUser.token_authentication; }; this.saveCache = function(){ saveJsonCache('currentUser',currentUser); }; this.checkAuth = function(){ if(this.isAuthenticated()){ $location.path('/'); } }; this.isPendingAuth = function(){ if( !this.isAuthenticated()){ $location.path('/log-in'); } }; this.getUser = function(){ return currentUser; }; if( existCache("currentUser") ) currentUser = new TimeApp.User( loadJsonCache("currentUser") ); else currentUser = new TimeApp.User(); $('meta[name="Token"]').attr('content',currentUser.token_authentication); return this; }]); }]); var saveJsonCache = function(name,obj){ localStorage[name] = JSON.stringify(obj); }; var loadJsonCache = function(name){ if(localStorage[name]) return JSON.parse(localStorage[name]); else return undefined; }; var existCache = function(name){ return localStorage[name] != undefined; }; })();
We have weekly calls where we discuss progress. We use Skype, Google Hangouts or GotoMeeting.
We agreed on a day and time that worked for everyone.
In the beginning we send a timeline specifying the planning and tasks for that week.
These tasks are the same cards we have planned in Trello.
We translate all requirements into stories in Trello Cards.
Trello is the place to add any specification, ask questions or comments to the team.
Once the tasks are done they go through a testing process and we pass them for your approval.
Every week we will pass cards onto the client list for you to give us feedback.
Once the functionality is completed one of our functional testers will try to break the feature.
We either move it to Needs Improvement or pass it to you for feedback.
We need the support from you to review the cards and Approve them or tell us how to improve it.
This is key to meet goals and being on time in the development of the application.